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What is Kitchen Gun?

The cleaning weapon.

The Kitchen Gun is a fictional cleaning utensil and satire video made by a fictional character named Derek Baum. It is a parody of Cillit Bang.

The main purpose of it is to eliminate dirty crevices and/or surfaces in the kitchen, such as the sink, tap, dishes, etc. The dirt can be eliminated by simply pulling the trigger of the cleaning weapon three times, as mentioned in the video.

Kitchen Gun also comes with laser sight and night vision for night-time cleaning. There is even a sequel to Kitchen Gun called Toilet Grenade.

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What is Toilet Grenade?

The second cleaning weapon.

Toilet Grenade is another fictional cleaning utensil and satire video made by the same fictional character named Derek Baum. It is a sequel to Kitchen Gun and is also a parody of Cillit Bang.

The main purpose of it is to eliminate dirty crevices and stains in the toilet. The dirt can be eliminated by simply pulling the safety pin off and putting it into the toilet, as mentioned in the video. The grenade also takes approximately 7 seconds to explode.

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